San Basilio Cultural Tourist Center

Via San Basilio, 12 - Loc. San Basilio
45012 Ariano nel Polesine (RO)
View on MapMunicipality: Ariano nel Polesine
Tel. 3929259875
San Basilio Cultural Tourist Center was inaugurated in 1995 to gather some finds discovered during the archaeological excavations carried out in location San Basilio (country hamlet of Ariano nel Polesine - Rovigo) between the late 1970s and the early 1980s. The finds are on display in three display cabinets.
The first display cabinet contains the most ancient finds, that is pottery of local production found in a settlement dating back to the 6th-5th century BC.
Entrance fee: Free admission.
Booking of the guided visits: for groups, the visits and the tour guide should be reserved in advance by calling the number Tel. +39 0426 372202

Chiesetta di San Basilio
(photo by: Archivio Parco Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po)