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Home » The Po Delta » Biodiversity » Landscape


It is the environment of the Delta lying farther from the sea and characterized by the lack of evident differences in height, a uniform ground, and the regular shape of the drainage channels network. It is difficult to immediately perceive the difference between the Delta countryside and the Po Plain countryside, apart from the thinning out of trees and poplar groves and the presence of more imposing banks. It is also possible to see paleoriverbeds, that is ancient abandoned riverbeds, a complex of signs left on the territory by the activity of rivers. They emerge like long series of hillocks that can reach some hundred meters of width, 1-2 meters in relief from the countryside level. The Delta countryside is a drainage land deriving from the drying up of large valley stretches of water; it is very fertile, and for this reason entirely exploited for agricultural and horticultural activities. As we get closer to the sea, the conformation of the ground changes, from peaty to sandy. Also colors change, and let you guess the youth of the land: from a very dark grey, almost black, to a pearl grey.

(photo by: Archivio Parco Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po)
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