Dunes, Beaches, and Sandbars
The part of the beach closer to the sea is colonized by herbaceous tufts of European Searocket (Cakile maritima), Cocklebur (Xanthium italicum), and Sea Holly (Eryngium maritimum).
Then, the strong Sand Couch (Agropyron junceum) grows, together with Eryngium maritimum, the Curry Plant (Helichrysum italicum), Cyperus kalli, and the Coastal Medick (Medicago marina).
On the top of some dunes, Ammophila littoralis grows.
The top of the consolidated dunes is overgrown with moss (Tortula ruralis),Scabiosa argentea, and Vulpia membranacea.
In the inland, it is possible to find the first shrubs of Wild Asparagus (Asparagus acutifolius), Phyllirea (Phyllirea angustifolia), Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), Common Juniper (Juniperus communis), and also meet the Bull Thistle (Cirsium vulgare).

Cakile maritima
(photo by: PR Delta Po Veneto)