Amphibians and Reptiles
Coastal Woods
The Agile Frog is common, while among the rarest frogs the most specialized one is the Lataste's Frog. Recently, the Bullfrog has also appeared, a big species of American origins.
In the Botanic Gardens of Caleri you can see the tortoises.
The Asp Viper survives in the last stretches of coastal forests and pinewoods.
Areas Adjacent to the River
The Crested Newt and the Smooth Newt are common.
Among the reptiles, the European Pond Turtle is without a doubt the most typical in the Park.
There are many water snakes: the Grass Snake, also 150 cm long, and the Dice Snake, which is smaller. This snake is not poisonous, but if you pick it up, it may, as a defense, hiss and empty its cloacal contents and spread an unpleasant smell.
They house the Edible Frog, the Common Toad, and the small Green Toad, able to reproduce also in brackish waters.
The European Tree Frog is very widespread.

Field lizard
(photo by: Archivio Parco Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po)